Sunday, November 18, 2007

Facebook Virgin

I was on the phone with Ryan the other day and I said, "Hey babe, what you doing?"

He replies, "Updating my Facebook profile." I almost fell off my chair.

Just like that, he stated it just as simply as that. Like he could have said, "eating a burger" -- now THAT would have been believeable. But Facebook?! What the hell is Facebook?! What the hell is this Facebook thing?!

Now let's be honest I am a virgin of very few things and Facebook is one of them. So, the very next day, I went and popped my own Facebook cherry.

I gotta say, as a Myspace devotee, I am a little skeptical. A LOT skeptical. But nonetheless, I have created my profile and I am going to give it a chance......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on there :) I'll go find you


3:19 PM  

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