Thursday, November 30, 2006

More fun in NYC

I am having one of those magical weeks in NYC. The thing is, with this city, you can have a GREAT week, or the shittest week of your life. I am having the first, not the latter,

Last night, Ryan and I went up to the Upper East Side to hang with my best friend Courtney and her boyfriend Ali. We went to go see their new place on 75th and 3rd before dinner. We get there, took a tour of the place (tours of apartments in NYC are 2 minutes long...) and then had some wine before we left for dinner. After some chit chatting and some good wine, we walked over to Atlantic Grill for dinner. We had a GREAT table in the middle of the restaurant and each seat had prime people watching capabilities, which is a MUST in the city. After some fabulous raw bar, some more good wine and some more fabulous food, we went back to their apartment to drink some more and just hang out. It was just one of those nights, where all the stars were aligned and everything was perfect. After too much wine, we crashed on their sofa and called it a night.

Today was another great day for me as well. I met my friend Heather in Soho for lunch, at a cute little trendy Thai place called Cafestasia. Super yummy and too cheap for New York, I was confused about how cheap it was.

After lunch, I went over to my friend's showroom in Soho. Basically she has a huge studio full of clothes, and then buyers come to her showroom and pick out clothes that they want to buy for their clothing stores. So she has all these "sample" clothes just lying around -- so I went and got me some FREE clothes. So fun! And nothing is better than free clothes.

Now I am getting ready for a big dinner in the East Village with all our friends.....

More to come tomorrow...!


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