Sunday, March 26, 2006

Unlucky Lanai

I think I jinxed myself last week when I bragged to everyone about staying at the Four Seasons Manele Bay. My trip was a million miles short of fabulous. It was awful, and even that is an understatement.

I should have known from the start that I was never destined to go to Lanai. I have lived in Hawaii for 3 years now and never been -- I should have left it that way.

I left for Lanai on Thursday morning, or shall I say I ATTEMPTED to leave for Lanai on Thursday morning. My plane DID depart for Lanai, but it never quite made it there. Instead, the plane circled the island and then headed back to Honolulu due to poor visibility. I sat at the airport on Thursday for 8 hours waiting to get on another plane. One, and only one plane, made it to Lanai on Thursday, and mine was clearly not one of them.

After sitting at the airport for 8 hours on Thursday, I went back home for the night. The only good part of any of this is that I got to spend the night with Ryan. I woke up at 5am Friday morning to catch a 715am flight to Maui (since all the flights to Lanai were sold out for the next 2 days). From Maui, I would need to take the ferry to Lanai. When I got to the dock, I found out that the big boat broke, so they only had a small boat. The small boat only holds 50 people, even though 72 people had a reservation. I, of course, was wait-listed for the boat since I hadn't made my reservation until that morning.

And since I was already having bad luck for the last day and a half, I was pulled onto the boat. And yes, I didn't mess that statement up -- I believe since I was having bad luck, the ferry brought me to Lanai for more torture. Oh, and did I mention there was a tornado watch the night before? Yea, so the boat was nice and rocky -- just enough to make me absolutely nauseous by the time I hit land on Lanai. And this is just the beginning.

Things really only got worse, but I won't bore you with the details. In short, my client was a bitch from hell. The event on Friday night was moved indoors due to another storm watch. My client was a bitch from hell. As soon as the event started on Saturday night, it was a torrential downpour. My client was a bitch from hell. Some of the lighting went out from the rain. My client was a bitch from hell. There is much more but I am exhausted just thinking about it.

Oh, but the room at the Four Seasons really was fabulous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in case you are a golfing enthusiast, I thought you might want to take a look at this great site on Hawaii...


aloha center

1:07 PM  

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