Sunday, April 01, 2007

Maui Sighting

My friend John saw Mike Myers in a Starbucks in Kihei, Maui on Saturday afternoon. Per John, he was with "some gal that wasn't that pretty and a young surfer dude." I assume it was his wife and son, but I can't be sure. Myers is supposedly staying at the Four Seasons Wailea, which is where he always stays.

Riveting right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy! Isn't funny how when you run into a celebrity, you always think, "Gee that person looks just like..........," and it's always a surprise when you realize that the reason that they look like that celebrity is because it actually is that person. Anyhoo..... Mr. Myers was pale, pasty and drove away in a hybrid ford little crappy looking car with the family. Not dressed too well (green dorky sun hat, navy blue t-shirt, wrinkled cargo shorts, cheap sneakers and really thick wool socks), but very nice to the gawkers in Starbucks. P.S. they sold out of those little french press contraptions and only had the huge ones I can't really use. Toodles.....

3:00 PM  

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