Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It's a Small World After All...

As most of you know, I have been writing a column for, a New York based website, for about 3 years now. Although this is public knowledge in my social circle, I try to only tell a select few people at work -- just because I never know what I may write about someday.

Well I just got home from seeing Cirque Hawaii with a bunch of people from the office. Right before the show started, a guy I work with turned to me and said, "Did you write a letter to a website called Sugarzine?" I was like WHAT??

As it turns out, my coworker has a friend in Manhattan who came across Sugarzine and one of my articles. That certain article talked about me living in Hawaii and comparing it to my former life in NYC. The friend in NYC forwarded my article to the guy I work with, asking him if he knew me....

Yup, he does!! Crazy huh?

Here is a link to the article that was forwarded to my coworker:

Good thing the friend forwarded my coworker something PG-13 and not one of my dating columns from back in the day. Hopefully he won't be smart enough to dig through the Sugarzine archives...


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