Friday, December 16, 2005

Back Seat of my Jeep (sing with me...)

One of the best things about NYC is not having to drive and not having to worry about a car. No car payments, no insurance, no wasting money on gas, and most importantly, no drinking and driving. So when I moved to Hawaii, I wasn't sure if I was even going to buy a car. Then I realized this ain't NYC and without a car, I am literally stuck on an island.

I figured if I HAD to buy a car, I wanted a Jeep -- I have always wanted one and if I was ever going to own a Jeep, Hawaii would be the best place to do so. A few months after moving here, I went and bought myself a '94 Wrangler.

Now that we are almost in the year 2006, my Jeep is 12 years old and becoming a royal pain in my ass. I have replaced the clutch and the master cylinder, and have fixed over 10 things in the last 2 years. And then last night, something else went wrong -- it wouldn't start. On a hope and a prayer this morning, I got my baby to start and drove it straight to my mechanic. The battery is shot.......lovely.

Don't you just love how these things always seem to happen at the perfect time? It's like the car gods (or should I say car devils?) know that it is the holiday season and that you have no extra money to spare. My mechanic even told me that his busiest week is the week before Xmas -- that everyone seems to break down that week more than any other week of the year. Yup, definitely car devils.

I must say, I look forward to the days when I can have a brand new car....whenever that may be. Until then, I will continue to repair the Jeep that I just HAD to have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest TheBus.

6:41 PM  

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