Thursday, December 15, 2005

8.5 Shopping Days Left....

As promised, a website a day to help your shopping woes:

Check out -- really cute, different and silly gift ideas. I bought my sister something from here and I cannot wait for her to open it! I can't say what it is because then she will read this and then know what her gift is. But anyhow, some really cute stuff on this site and I think it is all very reasonably priced.

FYI -- If you want to take advantage of FREE shipping from Amazon and if you want your items by Xmas , you have to order by Friday December 16. However, you can still order from Amazon up until December 22nd and still receive the items by Xmas (isn't that amazing??) but the shipping won't be free.

So, starting from tomorrow, December 16th, you fools have 8.5 days left to buy gifts. Hurry up and shop!!


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