Monday, December 05, 2005

This is BIG

I wasted 2 hours of my precious life last night watching VH1's "Big in '05 Awards". For those of you that actually have a life and did something more valuable with your time, here is a summary for you:

-- Jessica Simpson won the first award, the "Stylin" Awards. She looked beautiful as always, but she was a rambling idiot. I guess we have to give her a break since she just split from Nick, which is why she was probably so "emotionable". Yup, that's right; she said "emotionable" instead of "emotional".

-- The Laguna Girls, LC and Kristin, presented together. I definitely felt the tension between the two, but they both looked hot in their own Lolita way. Oh, and they both looked extremely nervous.

-- La Lohan beat out Kristin Cavalleri for the Big "It" girl. My boyfriend thinks Kristin should have won, but Lindsay was freakin' everywhere the entire first half of '05. Being the drama-creators that they are, VH1 flashed to Kristin when she lost to Lindsay, and she definitely looked crushed. She should just be happy that her 15 minutes of fame is still going strong.

-- Bobby Brown sang a little snippet from "My Prerogative" before he presented an award. I have to admit, the man can sing. He may be an absolute train wreck, but the man can definitely carry a tune.

-- Gotti Brothers presented along with Bobby Brown. There must have been an entire bottle of gel used on their hair for this one night. I couldn't understand one word they were saying, which explains why they have to have subtitles for them on their reality show.

-- The show closed with Def Leppard singing "Pour Some Sugar On Me". I must say, it was pretty cool.

Although I wasted a few hours watching this crap, I was just happy that I finally secured the remote from my boyfriend and got to turn off football -- which had been playing on the TV since 9am.


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