Sunday, December 04, 2005

Cheap Thrill

We have this $1 movie theatre here in Honolulu. Isn't that grand? Because let's face it, sometimes you just want to go to the movies, even though there is nothing that you REALLY want to see, and you just don't want to spend $10. This $1 theatre plays movies that are just a wee bit old, which is fine for me, because I have never been the type to run out and see a movie during opening-weekend-madness. But my boyfriend and I think: how can you NOT go for one measly dollar? The movie has to be pretty awful not to go see it for $1.

So last night, being the broke people that we are right now, we hit the dollar theatre to see "Into the Blue". This was, by far, the best compromise we have made in a long time. He got to stare at Jessica Alba for 1.5 hours looking extremely hot in a bikini, and I got to drool over Paul Walker for the same amount of time. Can I just say that he is possibly the hottest thing? His body was tanned and toned. His eyes are super blue. Yea, he is just super fucking hot. After watching him last night, he may secure the #2 spot (Matthew McConaughey is forever my #1).

Oh, and when the two of them were kissing, I think I was almost jealous of her for a second for getting the chance to make out with him -- and getting paid for it!!


Blogger Jamie said...

Kristin -- you know I made him take ME to the movies, ha.

11:26 AM  

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