Thursday, March 30, 2006

Flying Fones

Is Naomi out of her mind??? Clearly the answer is YES! The woman has serious temper issues, but more so than that, the woman has serious issues with phones and throwing them at people.

Naomi Campbell, top model and queen bitch of the runway, has thrown yet another phone at yet another assistant -- and has been arrested.

Now, I have met Naomi. Many times. And she is seriously bi-polar. The first time I met her, she was super sweet and quiet and shy. She was a tower of beauty, and no matter how fabulous I thought I looked that day, I looked like a piece of shit next to Naomi. She is a goodess -- I am not kidding. The second time I met Naomi, I went to her birthday part at Man Ray in NYC. Again, nothing short of fabulous and sweet. I even introduced her to Ryan, where she proceeded to give him full attention and actually kiss him hello. And when we were leaving her party, she even remembered Ryan's name.

But then there was this next time -- she was a raving LUNATIC. She was screaming on the top of her lungs to my former boss. I can't go into details because of those tricky confidentiality agreements they made me sign, but regardless, she was and still is, a loony bin.

Gorgeous? Yes.

Sane? Ummm, no.


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