Tuesday, July 18, 2006

When In Doubt -- Chocolate!

I am moving to Miami in less than one week and I am having to make some major decisions on the basis of 3 things:

1. What goes in storage -- so that I have it in 6 months when I return to Hawaii. But let's think about this: If I am putting it in storage, do I REALLY need this article to survive? I would say no. Yet, I digress and this is still a category in which I must place my things.

2. What comes with me to Miami (either in my suitcases on the plane or in boxes that I am shipping to Miami). The items in my suitcase are things that I cannot, I repeat, cannot live without -- my favorite go-out shirts, dresses, skirts, shoes, undies, etc. The boxes that are getting shipped to Miami are items that I cannot live without for 6 months, yet items that I CAN wait to arrive in about a week.

3. What gets trashed. As in, "I will never see this article ever again in my life. Wow, that is SO final! And I am NOT OK with this #3. I have a major problem letting go of things when I am just not ready to part ways with it.

Aside from having to make a major decision about each and every item that I own (and there are hundreds!), the main issue I see with this is that the gap between these three categories is absolutely GI-normous. It's not like having to choose between chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, because let's be honest, the answer to that is ALWAYS chocolate!!

Why can't everything in life be as simple as that?!


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