Friday, September 22, 2006

New Shows

I have a few new shows on my list for the fall season (I know, just what I need, MORE shows recording on my DVR).

The first show is Six Degrees. Last night was the pilot, and yup, I am hooked. First of all, the show has Jay Hernandez, whom I love. So adorable. He was also in World Trade Center this summer. As if the title doesn't explain it, the show basically revolves around the theory that everyone in the world is somehow connected through a chain of 6 people (except the show is just in NYC, not the whole world). Anyhow, great storyline, great cast -- I am in for the season.

The next show on my list is Smith. I don't think I would have chosen to watch it if Ryan didn't make me, but now that he did, I am hooked. It kinda reminds me of Ocean's Eleven -- criminal crew, all hot guys -- you get the picture. Sure, Ray Liotta being the main character doesn't hurt their cause for having a stellar cast, but my main attraction is Simon Baker - love him! I first saw him in the movie Something New, and just knew it was the beginning of our relationship.


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