Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Yoga Outta Here

Why is it that people who work out want to show off? I am convinced that people who work out in public have more interest in showing other people that they work out, rather than the act of working out itself. They want people to see them working out and being active, like they want to prove to other people how fabulous they are.

For example, last weekend, while I was peacefully laying out at The Setai, some woman was doing her stretching/yoga/pilates on the beach right in the middle of the busy section of the beach. She could have easily done than in her living room, but no, she chose to stand in the middle of the crowded beach to show everyone around her that she is working out. Ummm excuse me! I am trying to lay here and be lazy and enjoy myself. Can you please NOT remind me that I am doing nothing at all!

And just an hour ago, at my pool, some woman came down with her fucking little yoga mat and starting doing crunches and shit. Uh helllooooo!! This is THE POOL, not Yoga n' Me! Take that shit somewhere else you little workout slut.


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