Friday, December 09, 2005

Giving Back

Yesterday, my company had our annual year-end meeting. The tradition for this annual meeting has been to have a 5-hour long meeting, do presentations, do annoying skits and then listen to some boring-ass motivational speaker.

Well this year, they finally decided to nix the bullshit and do something worthwhile with our time -- a community project! After a brief meeting, the whole company boarded buses and went to a low-income neighborhood, where we spent the day painting and landscaping the local recreational center. It was a lot of fun and everyone got to spend time together outside of the office -- a teambuilding exercise for the company combined with a great cause for the community.

It was really lovely and very rewarding to do something that you know people will really appreciate. I highly suggest that everyone "give back" this year in their own way -- it will make you feel much better about yourself. And then you won't feel so guilty when you go and buy another useless pair of shoes!!


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