Thursday, January 12, 2006

Paybacks are a Bitch

I kinda feel bad for Nick Lachey. He is only still famous because of Jessica and without her, he would have simply been a boy-band-has-been. But I give him credit for trying to remain in the spotlight and focus on his career, even if it does only involve guest appearances on the WB. Well, his appearance on an upcoming episode of a show called "Twins" (I have never even heard of it), is SURE to piss Jessica off.

Here is a pic from a scene on the show:

Although celebs seem to "move on" from a past relationship quicker than anyone else in the real world, Jessica is still a chick in the end, and chicks have feelings. If I were her, I would not want to see Nick sucking face with another woman -- even if I knew I was 10 times hotter than her.

You can catch the full episode in February, but I can't imagine why you would....


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