Friday, February 17, 2006

I Love a Good Plan

So, Ryan left for Thailand this morning and I am actually really sad about it. We didn't get to spend much time together this past week -- he had project after project due for school and work kicked my ass all week -- so I feel like I was missing him before he even left.

But in true Jamie-form, I have my whole weekend booked solid. Ryan hates to make plans, he likes to just see how the weekend goes and let it take him where it takes him. Me -- I'm a planner. I like to know what I am doing every day and every night of the week and weekend. I love to have a plan. Obviously, I do event planning for a living. Ryan always says, "Stop event planning my weekend." Ha.

I think I have always been this way though, even before this career in event planning -- which only leads me to believe I am in the right business. So with Ryan gone, I have planned planned planned until all the days and nights were booked....through next Saturday when he gets back.

I must say though, as much as I love him and am going to miss him over the next week, I am excited for all these plans I have made. Going downtown, facial appointment, dinners, happy hour, spending time with friends. Oh yea, and I am also looking forward to cleaning the apartment later and it actually STAYING clean!


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