Thursday, February 09, 2006

Shitty Situation

I go into the bathroom at work to pee roughly 3 times a day. As I have stated before, I only tinkle at work, I never ever go #2 in public places. I have issues with that and will only go #2 at home (if at all...).

At least once a day the following scenario happens: I walk into the women's bathroom and there is someone in the other stall (there are only 2 stalls at my work). The other person is completely silent and not making one movement. I know there is someone there. The person knows that I am there. The person knows that I know that she is there.

So please tell me, does this other woman actually think that I don't know that she is taking a shit?? I obviously know that she is just waiting for me to pee and leave so that she can continue shitting.

And it's all just so uncomfortable -- she is just sitting there, in silence, waiting for me to leave. It's like, I know she is there and I know she is in the middle of shitting, so why are you pretending that you are just sitting on the toilet in silence for no reason? This whole scenario just pisses me off for some reason and I had to vent about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave Joann alone - she has enough problems - that poor thing - without you busting on her crap habits!

10:17 AM  

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