Thursday, February 02, 2006

My (Personal) Space

So I used to be a Friendster girl. I know, I know, Friendster is SO 5 minutes ago. But everyone I knew was on Friendster so I was too.

Well now, MySpace has taken over my little world, and apparently, the rest of the planet. It really is this crazy phenomena that you don't even know exists until you are a part of it yourself. (It's kind of like how my boyfriend was shocked to learn about Cockney Rhyming Slang, and just couldn't fathom how this whole language existed without his knowledge. And if you don't know what that is either, Google it please.)

MySpace is so addicting, I can't deal. I check it all day long and when I see that I have a new message or comment, I am so excited. And I just can't believe how many people I know are actually signed up -- there are people on there I haven't talked to in years, yet we have reconvened on MySpace. So odd. I am also surprised to see my "cool-as-all-hell" guy friends on this thing, with pics, profiles, etc -- I never in a million years thought guys would be into this.

If you aren't a part of it by now, you are so outta the loop. So, sign up and be IN with the in-crowd.


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