Monday, October 16, 2006

Hawaii Earthquake

As most of you know, although I am living in Miami right now, I really live in Hawaii and have been living there for 3 years and will be heading back there in December. I have many friends and co-workers there, so hearing the news yesterday hit a little closer to home for me than most. I wanted to share some blurbs that I received from friends -- it really becomes much more personal than just listening to the news (which I think HARDLY gave it any coverage).

"We're all safe and sound here, it was just a little freaky. Woke us up out of a dead sleep - the house was just rolling and shaking. Pretty crazy. We had no power until 8:30 last night, but luckily we're a house of campers so we had propane stoves, lanterns, everything we needed. It was actually a great day playing Scattegories and Cranium"

"We're just a speck on a speck in this great universe. We actually had a 3.8 a month ago that we all felt, but nothing like this one. I've been in a couple of smaller ones in CA, but this was just crazy. Everything was shaking and rolling and it went on for over a minute. Ironically, the dog knew it was going to happen the night before. He was panting and pacing from 6 pm onward, very agitated and we couldn't figure out why. My sister said he woke up at 6 am from a dead sleep next to their bed and just paced the room until it struck at 7:07 am. If dogs could only talk."

"I was walking out the door to go to the gym. I've felt earthquakes in Hawaii before but nothing like this. You know what is so pathetic, I could hear my wine glasses in my kitchen cabinet clanking and all I could think of was "I hope they don't break"...then I thought about my kids :) What an awful Mommy :) All was safe, I ran upstairs to check on them and hugged them to death even with their morning of my boys slept through the whole thing. The downside was we didn't have electricity until 11pm so we barbequed and played Scrabble by candlelight at night."

"Crazy crazy crazy!!! my house was swaying like it was being pushed by a giant!! woke us up at 7 am with a low rumbiling and then then proceded to remind us that we are all specks on the planet that the earth could easily shake off... we just got power restored at about 945 pm.... its crazy how everyting shuts down when the power goes out... all the things we take for granted.,... im just glad that no one got hurt, that everyone is alright.. 20 plus earthquakes in one day,,., 6.6 earthquake, with 5.9 aftershock.... i wouldnt recomend that for anyone... nuts.. "

"I woke to loud rumbling (I thought it was a sliding closet door closing) and shaking in my 18th floor high-rise. I got up, looked around, and heard people yelling and talking. I looked outside and walked through my apartment. As I was in the middle of my living room the second quake struck. I literally bounced up and down and swayed horizontally from side-to-side to the rumbling of the solid 20-story concrete structure! I've never felt so helpless and scared in my life. It was at this moment I thought of my family, prayed and wondered if I'd make it."

It is all SO crazy to me -- what is really crazy to me, as well, is that I could have been there too. I am just so happy that all my friends are safe...


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