Friday, March 06, 2009

Keep America Meeting

Anyone who knows me knows what I do for a living -- mainly because it typically consumes my entire life and no one ever gets to see me, or when they talk to me, I am always working. Well, this year has been very atypical for me -- I have no events, I am always home and I am actually in the office everyday.

For those of you that don't know me well, I am a Corporate Event Planner, which basically means that I plan big parties for Fortune 500 companies when they come to Hawaii. As we all know, the economy isn't doing so well, and my industry is suffering terribly. This industry has gotten a really bad reputation over the past few months, with AIG and Wells Fargo being in the news. We do understand that it seems really frivolous to send people away on these trips while we are in "these times" but we also don't think that America has not gotten the whole story, the "other side" of the story. So, before you bash this industry, please be informed first.

When these trips do not happen, it is not only hurting the employees who have earned it, it is also crippling the entire tourism industry, which is the FOURTH biggest industry in our nation. This effects hotels, restaurants, airlines, activity vendors -- the list goes on and on. It is not solely about companies going on vacation -- this trips help keep our economy afloat and keep thousands and thousands of people employed all over the world.

If you want to learn more, and you want to help us, PLEASE visit:

And if you agree and want to help, please sign the petition!


Blogger rscanlon said...

So true, Jamie. Affecting so many lives.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need the ..I like it button from facebook


9:23 PM  

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