Thursday, December 15, 2005

Black Sheep

On the streets of NYC, no matter the season and no matter what is in style at that particular time, you will always find women dressed head-to-toe in all black. Black is the New York wardrobe staple. You can wear it any time of the day and any time of the year -- and it just looks so damn good. In all black, you look sleek, you look powerful, you look put together. You just look fabulous.

Well this morning, I had one of "those" mornings. The kind of morning where you hate everything you own. The kind of morning where you swear you have nothing to wear and that you must go shopping immediately. The kind of morning where all black is the answer. In New York, this answer is a no-brainer.

But as I stepped out the door this morning in my black pants, black shirt, black bag, and red shoes, I realized I stuck out like a sore thumb. In a land of Aloha shirts, khaki's, muu muu's and gorgeous flowers, I have become a Black Sheep. Oh well, at least I know I look New York standards of course.


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