Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Da Dog

When I tell people that I live in Hawaii, I get the usual questions: "Do you love it?" "Do you go to the beach all the time?" "Is it so beautiful?" "Do you surf?"

And then I get this next question: "Do you ever see Dog? Ya know, Dog the Bounty Hunter??"

Well apparently his show is pretty popular, and not just here in Hawaii. I personally have never watched the show....that is up until the other day when there was absolutely nothing else on the tube, and I must say, it was actually entertaining.

Duane, aka "Dog", is the main character. Just looking at the guy is entertaining. He has a mullet!! Seriously!! And then there is his wife, I think her name is Beth. The woman has bleach blonde hair, wears spandex, and does her eye shadow in blue-- need I say more? Anyhow, Dog is a bounty hunter, and the show is basically him and his crew running all around the ghetto of Honolulu finding fugitives and criminals. I know that bounty hunters are making our streets a safer place, but this crew thinks they are the FBI and it is just hysterical to watch them in action.

If you have an extra half hour on your hands, and want to watch something that is brainless, watch this show just one time. Oh and before you go and watch the show, can I please just say that what you see on the show is not really what it is like to live in Hawaii.


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