Monday, January 16, 2006

Dirty Public

I absolutely despise public restrooms. Not that anyone necessarily loves them, but I REALLY do not like them at all. I have never sat on a public toilet, I only squat, and I will never ever go #2 anywhere but my own home.

Well today, I was working my event at a hotel on Maui. The closest bathroom was the poolside one, so I went in quickly to pee. After I tinkled, I washed my hands with the automated faucet -- the kind where you don't need to touch anything for the water to come out, which I just love. Then I went to get a paper towel, and it was the machine where you just wave your hand in front of the sensor and the paper comes out. Again, I just love that I don't have to touch anything. Then, I go to leave and guess what I have to do? I have to open the goddamn bathroom door, by the handle, with my clean hand!!

Please tell me what the point is in having everything automated, only to then have to turn around and open the door using your hands?? This means that if just ONE dirty person didn't wash their hands after they did their business, then my clean hands are sabotaged!! And you know that there are some really dirty people out there who don't wash their hands after they go to the bathroom....ugh, I am grossed out just thinking about it.


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