Monday, February 20, 2006

Happily Ever After

After dinner on Saturday night, my friends came over to hang out and watch a movie. We planned on watching a cheesy 80's movie, but when we saw that The Notebook was on HBO, we just had to watch it again -- for the tenth time.

I just love love love this movie, as does almost everyone else I know. I don't know one person who saw it and didn't love it. I also don't know one person who saw it and didn't cry their eyes out. Even my boyfriend, who is manlier than thou, cried! And on Saturday night, even after seeing the movie for the umpteenth time, I cried.

And the fact that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling are together in real life, just helps add to the realness of the movie. Here they are at some awards show in LA over the weekend:

I hope they live happily ever after....just like they do in the movie. Well except for the part where the wife gets dementia -- I hope that part doesn't happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea that those two were together in real life - I LOVE that! Rachael is the bomb and Ryan is such a dorky hottie. I am glad that you are here to keep me informed of these important issues!!!!!!!

2:26 PM  

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