Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm Just Saying....

Hmmmm, I don't have much to say today, but I thought I would blog anyhow (it's just about 5pm at work and I have hit a wall, so it was time to hit the internet....).

I have had events the last few days and I am exhausted, to say the least. I had a "Life's A Beach" event yesterday, for Sherwin Williams, which was anti-climatic, but at least I was on the beach all day working on my tan. Of course I now have a farmer's tan, but it could be worse -- I could be pale.

After the beach event was over, I had a few hours to go home, shower, eat, and watch the Idol Finale. Once those few hours that I had to myself were over, I had to go back to work from 9pm - midnight -- Sherwin Williams had an after hours club thing at some lounge downtown. This group is actually the Latin American division of Sherwin Williams, so no one speaks English. I happen to find this quite lovely because I don't have to make small talk with anyone!

Anyhow, I am getting side-tracked. The point in telling you about the after hours thing -- Latin Americans LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance! These people started dancing the very instant the very first note sounded. They are not typical Americans -- who just sit in the corner and wait for other people to get up and dance. No, Latin Americans just get up there and start moving their hips and shaking their booties with no qualms at all. It's liberating in some round-about sort of way.

So, even after working a 17 hour day, just watching them dance gave me energy. Just another thing to add to the "All The Reasons I Cannot Wait To Move To Miami" List !!!


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