Monday, May 15, 2006

Just Another Manic Monday

In the great and infamous words of the Bangles:

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday

I just love this song, but doesn't everybody? Well, it's been one of those Manic Mondays for me.

-- I woke up and my neck is as sore as a motherfucker. I can't move it side to side. I asked Ryan if he beat me up in my sleep last night -- that is how much it aches.

-- Work is a pain in my ass. I had 150 emails and 15 voicemails. Ummm, can everyone just leave me the fuck alone? And, some dipshit in sales sold one of those "Test Your Strength" carnival games, but the day of our event just happens to be in the same week as Hawaii's 50th Annual State Fair. Good job dipshit.

-- I had this guy's business card for over a year. It just sat on my desk and I never needed it (like most business cards). Well, about a month ago, I cleaned house and threw everything away. Today, I needed to contact this guy (I need to rent his Oxygen Bar for a party) and I was digging and searching and tearing my desk apart for his damn business card. Ten minutes later, I remembered that fateful day where I cleaned house. Murphy's Law in full effect. Good job dipshit.

-- The flight I was planning on buying from Miami to Philly for a friend's wedding in September is no longer the same price it was last week. It went up $100. Awesome.

Don't Mondays just suck ass?


Blogger Jamie said...

as a matter of fact, I AM!!!! how did you know?!?!

5:13 PM  

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