Monday, May 01, 2006

Hotel Livin'

After staying in hotels more than my own apartment these past few months, I have come up with the following:

-- The free mini bottle of conditioner is possibly THE worst conditioner in the world. It shouldn't even be allowed to be labeled conditioner. It should be called Dread Enhancer.

-- Housekeeping should not be allowed to knock prior to 9:00am. It should be illegal. And if they knock before then, they should receive an electrical shock.

-- I know I have said this before, but I really LOVE throwing my towels on the floor. Even though I see that little note in the bathroom about conserving water, I just can't help myself. Not to worry though -- I compensate by always brushing my teeth with the water turned off.

-- Why is there never ample light in the bedroom? They either want it to be dark and romantic for the couples on vacation, or they just don't want you to see how dirty that floral comforter really is.

-- On a side note about that dirty comforter thing, I met someone that was a Housekeeping Manager for a VERY BIG HOTEL CHAIN, and she said they only wash those floral top comforters like once every 4 months. No joke. So gross.

-- Alarm clocks in hotels are evil. They somehow produce THE loudest buzzing sound ever known to man.

-- I always get put in the room that is furthest away from the bank of elevators. I have to navigate over the river and through the woods to get to my room.

-- Just as Richard Gere said in Pretty Woman, "I miss keys", well, so do I. Every time I put that plastic thing into the slot, it blinks red, never green.

After staying in hotels so often, I really appreciate coming back home to my own place, even if I can't throw my towels on the floor after each use.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

2:43 AM  

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