Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Attempted (Almost) Robbery

I almost robbed a store last night. Yup, I swear.

I was driving through the mall parking lot on my way home from work (there was too much traffic on the main road so I decided to take a short cut). As I was driving past the "high-end" section of the mall, I saw a delivery being made through a side door. When I saw the delivery man carrying boxes into none other than the new Harry Winston store, I had something evil come over me.

My thoughts went something like this:
-- Wow, I wonder what is in those boxes!
-- I want whatever is in one of those boxes!
-- Hmmm, I could just run up and steal one of those boxes!
-- I could totally take-on that delivery guy! (he was tiny!)
-- Hmmm, I wonder if I could get away with stealing some of those boxes!

Clearly, I am not a burglar, but if I were or ever thought of becoming one, I would totally rob the shit out of Harry Winston!


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