Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Over Exposure

Sorry for my lack of "tabloid" posts, but honestly, I am just SO BORED with all the lame-ass stories out there right now.

I could care less that Madonna is adopting. In fact, the woman SHOULD be adopting -- she has more money than God and employs like 5 personal helpers. She should actually just adopt a tribe.

I could care less that Kevin and Nicky broke up. She is 2 feet taller than him and it should have happened a year ago.

I could care less that Sara Evans quit Dancing with the Stars and that her and her husband are getting a divorce and that he cheated on her. I HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF SARA EVANS BEFORE THIS WEEK!

And I could really care less that Brad and Angelina are getting stalked in India. If you are a superstar and you marry a superstar (and you stole your superstar husband from another superstar), THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!!

OK, I feel much better now that I got that all out of my system. Honestly, they are all just so over-exposed. Do you know HOW over-exposed they actually are? I have found myself watching CNN Headline News all week over anything else. Scary right? I know more about North Korea than I ever have in my whole life!


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