Monday, November 06, 2006

Friday Recap

I can't quite call this entry a "Weekend Recap" because my entire weekend consisted of one night only.

We started out at the re-launch opening party for the Sanctuary Hotel. We stepped out of the cab and there were video cameras all over. They filmed us getting out of the cab, walking into the hotel, getting drinks and hanging out. I felt like La Lohan and I was loving every second of it. It was open bar and free appetizers from 8pm until midnight, and at $15 a drink, that is huge here in Miami.

After Sanctuary we, of course, went over to Social Miami at the Sagamore Hotel and got ourselves a table. We had some appetizers and some more drinks, then roamed around the Sagamore for a little while.

Around 2:00am, we went over to Prive where we sat in our same table as every other Friday night. We had a bottle of champagne and a bottle of vodka for 6 people -- both were gone by 4am.

And such is another weekend in this crazy Miami town. My 7 girlies get here this Thursday to help me celebrate my 27th (gasp!) birthday -- so this weekend will prove to be crazier than any prior weekend. Not sure my body can handle this anymore...


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