Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dr. Dread

I have a 1:00pm dentist appointment (it is currently 12:30pm) and I am dreading it more than anything else in this world. I HATE HATE HATE the dentist. I don't know why I hate the dentist as much as I do, but I just do.

Here is how much I hate the dentist:

1. I would much rather go the gyno 5 times in one week than go to the dentist just once.

2. I would much rather be forced to run 5 miles in 100 degree weather than go to the dentist.

2. I would much rather be trapped in a room with 5 people I cannot stand (I won't name names at this time) than go to the dentist.

And it's not that I hate my current dentist, or any of former dentist's for that matter. They are all really nice people and I really like them all on a personal level, but there is just something about having a man peering into my mouth and poking around that makes me very uneasy.

Funny how I don't have a problem with men poking around in other places though.....


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