Thursday, April 13, 2006

Pic Commentary

There are just so many things I have to say about this one picture.

1. I am surprised that she is toting a Louis bag so soon after being dumped by the label. Just last week, they reneged her offer to be the new face of Louis Vuitton, following the likes of Giselle and Uma. They dumped her for Naomi (yea, cause THAT's a good, positive image!) Supposedly LV said that although they really like Lindsay and her style, she isn't enough of an international figure.

2. What is that colorful, condom thing on head? Hate it.

3. Looks like her black nail polish is chipped. Can't she afford a manicurist?

4. I have those same Earnest Sewn jeans. Love them.

5. Not loving the the Chanel Ballet Flats with that outfit. It's all wrong.


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