Thursday, May 25, 2006

Office Dipshits

Don't people just absolutely amaze you sometimes? For me, every single day at work, it absolutely amazes me how some people are THE biggest dipshits on the planet.

Here are my Dipshit Office Encounters for the day:

1. I went into the bathroom and went into the stall. Some dipshit from accounting was at the sink doing something with her glasses. Maybe she didn't see me come in? I am not sure, but the bathroom at my work is literally 5' x 10' with 2 small stalls, so if someone else is in there, YOU KNOW. Well just as I dropped my pants to piss, she walked out and turned off the damn light.....and didn't even realize it!! She just walked out and kept on going! Dipshit!

2. So we all know that conference calls are just annoying to begin with. That's a given. But there is nothing worse than being on a conference call with someone who thinks that they NEED TO SCREAM INTO THE PHONE SO EVERYONE CAN HEAR THEM!! Dipshit, you do not, I repeat, DO NOT have to yell into the phone. Worse part, is that I was sitting right next to this dipshit as he was screaming into the phone on the table. And the call lasted for an hour and a half. It clearly was the highlight of my day.

3. And finally -- the dipshit who insulted someone today. The best part, this guy is such a dipshit that he doesn't even know he insulted someone. The dipshit was telling some woman in the office that he was taking his sister to a show called "Magic of Polynesia". He was saying that since his sister is a hard core Christian, she does not believe in magic and magicians, so she initially didn't want to go to the show. He then explained to his sister that it wasn't a magic show at all, it is just called that, so now his sister is OK with going to the show. BUT THEN, he proceeds to say to this woman in the office that he doesn't get "those hard core Christians anyhow" and how he thinks it is ridiculous and blah blah blah. The kicker -- and what he doesn't know -- the woman he was telling the story to in the office is a BIBLE BANGER HERSELF!! Dipshit!

That's about all I can take for the day, so on that note, I am leaving work now. I cannot wait for tomorrow to start, so I can encounter dipshits all day long again!


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