Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Idol Idiots

I have really been looking forward to American Idol. I just love it. And the first few nights of the new season, the auditions, are truly my favorite.

These people are actually some of the most motivated people I have ever seen -- they sleep in the cars, or on the street, for about 3 nights -- in rain, snow, sleet, cold, hot, whatever the conditions may be -- then they wait in line for 5 hours, just to get a chance to sing in front of Simon, Paula and Randy. If they slip up one single note, they have clearly wasted many precious days and hours of their life.

But the part that amazes me the most, is how dillusional some of these people really are. The ones that are the absolute worst singers in the bunch, the ones with zero talent, actually think that they can sing! Even worse -- their family members encourage them and tell them they can sing too! As I watch the show, I shake my head in disbelief at how CRAZY people are in this country! This show really magnifies the level of craziness we have here in America.

As I watch some of these people audition, I begin to feel so sad for them -- I go from hysterically laughing to sulking and empathizing for the "losers". My heart breaks for some of the ones who really thought that they were going to be the next "American Idol".

Nevertheless, I will watch the auditions, Part II, tonight. I can't wait!


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