Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Power of Good

Let's face it, we all waste way too much time on the internet and nothing really good ever comes out of it. We either buy something we don't need or just simply waste precious hours of our lives. Well now, you can actually do something good by simply just playing on the internet. I swear. Too good to be true? Nope, it's for real. is a new search engine, powered by Yahoo, that actually donates $$ to your favorite charity every time you search. The founder of the site donates 50% of the profits to the charities (and considering search engines generate a few BILLION a year, that ain't too shabby). All you have to do to pick your favorite charity that you want to donate to, use the search engine, and voila! So now, you will actually feel good about yourself when you waste all that time surfing the net!


Blogger Jamie said...

I swear -- NO catch! That's why it's so good!

12:01 PM  

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