Friday, January 20, 2006

Sick of Hollywood

I have had a few friends ask me why I haven't been posting about all the juicy celeb gossip recently. The truth is, I am just sick of it all.

I am sick of the Angelina / Brad / Jen triangle. This whole situation is over-exposed. I am really just sad for Jen. I can't imagine what it would be like to be going through a divorce only to have your ex shacking up with the hottest woman in the world, adopting her kids and then finding out they are having a baby together.

I am sick of Paris and her ridiculous ways. This whole new story about her pissing in the Hawaiian cab is just the icing on the cake.

I am sick of the Jessica camp stories, and I know that if I am sick of her (since I love her), everyone else must be puking by now. He cheated, she cheated, they are getting back together, he is dating someone knew, she is being wild, the dad is a lunatic -- enough already!

I am sick of the Lindsay Lohan drama. Did she do drugs? Did she have an eating disorder? Is she dating Jared Leto? Is she back with Wilmer? All the stuff about her weight, her family, her partying, her this, her that.....just let the girl be already!

Don't get me wrong, I love the celeb gossip as much as the next person. I love People and US Weekly, but there comes a point, where it's all just too much. And right now, that is how I feel. I am so over the same story over and over, with tabloids claiming to have a new piece of information when really it's just speculation and lies. I know, I know -- everyone is going to say that I am a hypocrite because I am the one blogging about celebs all the time, but I am not saying I am completely over them -- just for right now ;)


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