Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Sorry I haven't posted for a few days -- I am on Kauai for a program. I got here on Sunday and I am here until Friday afternoon. My company hasn't quite stepped it up into the 21st century, so we don't have laptops or access to our email while we are travelling. I am still trying to get a Blackberry, but it clearly isn't going to happen any time soon.

In case anyone cares, my program is going wonderfully. I have a client sent from heaven, which is obviously always much better than a client from hell. We had a Surf's Up beach party on Monday night and last night we had a Lava Lounge. Both were a huge success. Tonight I have a cocktail reception and dinner outdoors, but unfortunately, it looks like the weather is not going to hold up so we will have to move it inside to a boring ballroom. Then we have the Awards Dinner tomorrow night -- looking forward to the final night so I can go home already. This travelling-for-work-thing is really overrated.


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