Friday, February 24, 2006

The Revolving Door of Hawaii

My good friend Rachel left Hawaii today. She is moving back to the mainland. Funny how I call it the "mainland" now, huh? She is moving to Washington to be with her fiancee, Jesse. I am really happy for her, but I am also super bummed about her leaving me to rot on this island alone. OK, that was a little dramatic, but really, I am super sad that she has gone.

Rachel and I met through friends of friends and have become really close over the last 2 years. For me, I have very few friends here -- as such the case for most people here. It's really hard to meet people in Hawaii, but it also has something to do with people constantly leaving the island and you just don't want to make this massive effort to be friends with people who are going to up and leave you within a year.

As all the people in my life know, I love to be "on-the-go". And I have never met anyone who likes to be more on-the-go than me, that is, until I met my dear Rachel. If you let her, this girl will have your weekend booked solid (as she did last weekend with me). And perhaps this is why we clicked.

On any given weekend Rachel would pick me up at 9am, and she might not drop me back off until 8pm that night. Ryan just loved when Rachel would come kidnap me on a Sunday so that he could be left to watch football in peace. The girl is always up for anything and everything. We would get breakfast, hit the beach, go shopping, get lunch, get pedicures, hit the mall, go see a movie and then get dinner. Only then, after all of that, could we go home content in knowing that we had maximized our day to the fullest.

I don't know who I am going to run wild with now that she is gone. We all know Ryan will just kill me if I make him run around like a banchee. Rachel has only been gone half a day and I miss her already. I already have zero plans for my first Friday night without her in town. So needless to say, I am going to miss her terribly and I am counting the days until I will see her again.

Rachel -- love ya and miss ya girl!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's "banshee"

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:37 PM  

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