Thursday, March 02, 2006

All Grown Up

You know those annoying email forwards that come to you with the subject line "You know you are a product of the 80's when..." or "You know you are from New Jersey when..."? We have all read them (and deleted them) a thousand times over.

Well, last night, I felt like I was living right smack in the middle of "You know you have grown up when...". Ryan and I were sitting on the sofa, having a glass of wine and going over our schedules together. We both had our day-planners wide open and we were going through every week and weekend together for the next 2 months. I am travelling once a week for days and weeks at a time, so at this time of the year (during my busy season for work), we actually need to sit down and figure out when we will have time together.

I never thought that I would be the type of person that had to actually "make time" to be with Ryan, but as I grow up, I am beginning to see that it is all really just one big balancing act. Maybe I should actually read those emails (and not delete them) because it seems they actually ring true more often than not.


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