Saturday, February 25, 2006

Travel Observations

I was in Maui for a few nights this past week for work. I travel for work pretty often -- sometimes it's really nice to get off my island of Oahu for a few days and hit another island, and sometimes it's kind of a pain in the ass. But regardless of which end of the spectrum the trip falls under, travelling is always a great time for observing all kinds of shit. Here are my observations from my trip:

-- Everyone is obsessed with Sudoku. All I see in the airport and on the airplane is a sea of Sudoku books. And mine is one of them.

-- Man and wife speak really nasty to one another. I wonder if there was ever a time when they were loving and happy and spoke lovingly to one another. As I watch them, I hope to never be that way to my life-long partner (or be treated that way).

-- Kids are so freakin'adorable. Their voices are just so cute and they say the funniest things. And I notice how their parents just ignore them as they are saying and doing the most precious things.

-- Why do people insist on bringing a suitcase onto the plane as a carry-on that they know won't fit into the overhead compartment? It's the SAME suitcase that didn't fit into the overhead compartment the last time they travelled, so why would it fit this time? Can't they just check it and save all of us the agony of watching them try to shove it in the overhead, only to have a stewardess check it for them?

-- At my event the other night, I was watching people dance to the band. Dancing is just SO weird. People wiggling, moving their feet and arms -- it's so damn odd.

-- Tourists are loud, obnoxious and impatient. And then they wonder why the people that live where they are visiting hate them. Oh yea, and they can't drive for shit.

-- In the last 3 years, I have stayed in way too many hotels. It's actually pretty cool to see different hotels and condos, and the rooms at each place. After all, I am travelling within all the Hawaiian Islands, so the places I go are usually pretty nice. But when I stay in a hotel, I notice that I become a really bad person -- I become wasteful!! I use too many tissues just for fun and just because they are there. I use all the hand cloths -- just once. I use every bar of soap and bottle of lotion, even if it's just for one little squirt. But my favorite thing to do, above all the rest, is to use a bath towel once and throw it on the floor. I know, I am wasting water in some round about way, but it's just my favorite thing to do when staying in a hotel.

-- It's always nice to come back home.


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3:10 PM  

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